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Fairfax Cooling & Heating

Trusted, honest, local HVAC help is just around the corner…

Contact us for Immediate Assistance!

    Call Us: (703) 531-8000

    HVAC System Repairs and Replacements

    As a certified Trane dealer, we can diagnose your problem and suggest a course of action…

    Commercial HVAC Service

    We can handle your commercial HVAC needs, often same-day…

    Annual & Semi Annual Maintenance

    Piece of mind with regular visits to keep your system running efficiently and extend the life of your equipment…

    Furnace Repairs and Replacements

    We can help diagnose your problem and repair/replace as necessary…

    Indoor Air Quality Solutions

    We will give you honest and easy advise on improving the air quality in your home…

    Fireplace Service/Repair

    We can help you repair or install a new fireplace…

    Contact Us

    Fairfax Cooling & Heating Company

    11681 Gilman Lane Herndon, Va 20170

    (703) 531-8000


    Monday – Friday: 9am – 4:30pm

    Saturday: By appointment

    Sunday: Closed